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Insomnia Stinks!

My mother has been an insomniac since the age of twelve.  I think it has something to do with a fear of death…or maybe it’s a fear of missing out on something.  On a good night, she’ll get six hours a night.  She’s been known to call me at 12am, which means it’s 3am her time.  Her motto is: “I can sleep when I’m dead.”  In comparison, I can sleep at a drop of a hat.  Planes, trains, automobiles– it doesn’t really matter where I am, I can sleep.  My motto is: “I’ll sleep when I’m…zzzzzzzz.”

So you can imagine my surprise last night, when at 4am I was still wide awake.  Mind you, it was sorta cool seeing the sun rise, but it didn’t make up for the fact that I was exhausted and frustrated that I couldn’t sleep.  Chuck was no help either.  He went to bed pretty late, but then he started snoring.   I woke him up promptly and told him I couldn’t sleep.  He wasn’t impressed and rolled right back to sleep.  Eventually, I feel asleep right around 6.  Boy was I grumpy!

I was pretty worthless today and vegged out on our couch all day.  I did, however,  catch some great, classic movies.


This is such a great movie!  I even sucked Chucklebutt into watching it.  We giggled and gasped as Lucy and Desi traveled across America in their long, long trailer.  My favorite parts are when Lucy tries to cook dinner while Desi is driving — hilarious!  My other favorite scene is when Lucy collects all these giant stones from the various places they have visited.  It adds an incredible amount of weight and they experience some problems climbing an 8000 elevation road.  If you have never seen this movie, I highly recommend it.

Another movie I watched today, while not necessarily stellar, definitely evoked some great memories.


I was ten years old the first time I saw this movie and instantly became obsessed.  (I am ashamed to say I’ve never seen the original all the way through.)  Grease 2 is my High School Musical.  I’ll admit it was a little painful to watch, but it helped me to empathize with all my students who swoon over Zac Efron and want to be Ashely Tinsdale.  I guess every generation has their teeny bopper flick.  Mine is Grease 2.  I remember my best friend (Emme O’Connell) and I setting our alarms for 2am in the morning so we could catch its last run on HBO.  We were so crazy.  In college, I introduced all my dorm buddies to the movie and they were not impressed.  Sigh.  It will always have a special place in my heart.  I even got my “cool rider.” 🙂  (Interesting bit of trivia, the twins in this movie are the sisters of Katy Segal (Peg Bundy).  Who knew?)

While I watched my movies, I treated myself to my favorite movie theatre candy:


Nothing says the movies like black licorice.  Yum-Me!


My other favorite candy is Goetze’s Bull’s Eyes (Cow Tails come in a close second).  So despite the sugar high, I was still able to take a two hour nap.  At least my nap schedule hasn’t been messed with.  🙂

Finally, I wanted to give a shout out to all the poppas in the world.  Happy Father’s Day.  I miss you Daddy!  The following clip is for you:

3 comments to Insomnia Stinks!

  • BME

    Welcome to my world!! I miss your daddy too. The clip was so like him. I loved it. Thank you for sharing.

  • Jan Moretz Lowry

    I miss your Daddy, too! I will continue to tell Gibby stories to share the love and laughs. I will NEVER forget it Nicole, when you told me about the Asian salt shaker “oh God did I really say that – maybe I can suck it back in before anyone noticed” moment…

    My Daddy is incredibly special and I will teach my children how to be like him in a lot of ways. I will also teach them how to be like your Daddy – he LOVED life and his girls more than can be quantified.

    Love to you~

  • Emme

    OMG!!! A Cool Rider! A cool, cool, cool rider. I want a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R…
    And what about that racy number ‘reproduction’? Classic. Wow. What a great movie! That brings back so many memories of childhood!!!
    I won’t forget your dad either. Every time I see Tic Tacs, I think of him. He always had them in his car. Isn’t it strange the things you remember?
    Glad you are on the mend. Your mom is so funny! That pic of her in the wig is hilarious! Keep blogging. I love reading it!

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