It’s 4pm on Saturday, and I am supposed to be home now. Buuuuuuuut, I’m still here.
Chucklebutt called the oncall doctor for my OB/GYN’s office, and it turns out she’s “stuck” somewhere between Chandler and Gilbert, and doesn’t know when she’ll be in the hospital… But she assures us she’ll be here some time later today… This evening… Tonight? *sigh*
On the bright side, I’ve noticed my skin looks much better. Apparently the AZ sun has been doing quite a number with my Rosacea; being indoors for 4 days now has really cleared it up. I guess I should just stay indoors all the time. Or MOVE. Anyone want to buy a nice house out here in the nearly-inhospitable middle-of-the-desert? Who’s idea was it to move out here anyw—– oh, wait — neeeeeeeevermind.
So, it’s just a waiting game now. I’ve “passed” all the tests (and for those who have ever had abdominal surgery, you understand why passed is in quotations…) and should be ready to be let out into the world. If only we can find a doctor to sign on the dotted line…
Oh, well, at least Chuck gets to enjoy the cafeteria for a while longer.
Did you get to go home Saturday and how are you doing now. We have a dinning room manager finally, her name is Julie and she is one of Nick’s x wives, she seems really nice and has had a lot of experience in this line of work.
We miss you, but take care of yourself and don’t come back until you are fit and able to come.